222-00011-000 (0.1024 ACRES)
Sharp County, AR
Start building your dream home on this amazing 0.1024 Acre lot near Cherokee Village. This property has a dirt road but just a minute away from S Odessa Dr paved road, easy access to different amenities near the area. Lake Thunderbird is just 2 miles away from the property. The park features two marinas, nine boat ramps, two covered fishing piers, one open fishing pier, a practice archery range and two swimming beaches. Deer archery and waterfowl hunting are permitted in season in designated areas. There are also a lot of parks and other attractions nearby.
This spacious residential lot is perfect if you're looking to build a home for your family - it is very close to Highland schools! There are only a couple of neighbors nearby so you get privacy, but still only a short distance to towns and cities where you can find every amenities you need such as Walmart Supercenter, grocery stores, restaurants, banks, schools, and more.
- Cash price: $550
- Financing: $50 down, $50/month for 18 months (+prorated property taxes and $10/mo service fee)
- Size: 0.1024 acres
- County: Sharp
- State: Arkansas
- APN: 222-00011-000
- GPS coordinates: 36.278414,-91.535786
- Elevation: 610 ft
- Address: N/A
- City: Closest city is Cherokee Village
- Zip: 72529
- Zoning: No zoning code
- Power: Would be by solar or alternative system
- Water: Would be by well, hauling or alternative system
- Sewer: Would be by septic or alternative system
- Road access: Dirt road/trail
- Annual taxes: $9.80
- Due taxes: $0.00
- Association fees: None according to county
- Legal description: Section: 29 Township: 19N Range: 5W Acreage: 0 Lot: 11 Block: 1 City: CHEROKEE VILLAGE Addition: TWELFTH SD: 42V
- Conveyance: Special Warranty Deed